What is scan engine version and pattern file number in the smd/smency.nsf
Did you enter license key during install (Activation code)?
Gert-Jan Kalberg
Bansingel 94
4731 VM Oudenbosch
The Netherlands
27-09-2006 00:05
Re: [suse-domino] SLES9+Scanmail 3+Domino 701FP1
Thanks for the answer
A more thorough analisys resulted on SMDreal not running (other SMD tasks
are ok it seems).
I found an error message saying: " SMDreal: Unable to initialize scan
engine. Check the scan engine and pattern file"
This appears just after the"Trend Micro blah blah copyright blah blah"
Any idea?
Leo Rivas
26-09-2006 17:03 ***@onvision.cl
Re: [suse-domino] SLES9+Scanmail
3+Domino 701FP1
FYI: Las week I migrated an old Domino 5.0.13 on NT to Novell OES (=SLES9)
+ Domino 7.0.1 + SMD without any problems. And currently doing a similar
migration on a pure SLES 9.
Are the SMD tasks running?
PV consulting
Maria van Bourgondiëlaan 18 - B-8000 Brugge
GSM +32 478 317 657 - fax +32 50 34 61 60 - skype peter.vynck
e-mail ***@pv-consulting.com - http://www.pv-consulting.com
-----***@onvision.cl wrote: -----
To: suse-***@suse.com
From: ***@onvision.cl
Date: 26/09/2006 21:57
Subject: [suse-domino] SLES9+Scanmail 3+Domino 701FP1
Hi all
IŽve had a lot of problems making this combination to work, iŽve browsed
the list for any answer but nothing helped.
So, can this configuration work at all? installation had no problem, but
SMD seems not to work, when sending messages, they stay queued on the
server mailbox with a '!' sign. Changes on Scanmail configuration seems
to work since smd log database doesnt show anything... Help please!!
Thanks in advance
Leo Rivas
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