2006-10-05 11:50:07 UTC
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to install Domino server 6.5.5 on a Suse OES 9 which itself was
installed into a VMWare GSX Server.
I can install the Domino files, but when trying to setup the server,
regardless which method I choose (manual, local or remote) I always end up
with the following error message:
Please edit your shell's DISPLAY environment variable to reflect an
unlocked terminal that you would like to launch the Domino Setup Program
Any ideas what this could be ? I've got 20 Dominos running on SLES 9
installed directly onto the machine and never had a problem. Could it be
that VMWare somehow locks the Terminal ?
Torsten Marschall
MDK Nordrhein
Fachbereich Datenservice
Bismarckstr. 43
40210 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 / 1382 - 193
Fax: 0211 / 1382 - 177
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I'm trying to install Domino server 6.5.5 on a Suse OES 9 which itself was
installed into a VMWare GSX Server.
I can install the Domino files, but when trying to setup the server,
regardless which method I choose (manual, local or remote) I always end up
with the following error message:
Please edit your shell's DISPLAY environment variable to reflect an
unlocked terminal that you would like to launch the Domino Setup Program
Any ideas what this could be ? I've got 20 Dominos running on SLES 9
installed directly onto the machine and never had a problem. Could it be
that VMWare somehow locks the Terminal ?
Torsten Marschall
MDK Nordrhein
Fachbereich Datenservice
Bismarckstr. 43
40210 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 / 1382 - 193
Fax: 0211 / 1382 - 177
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